Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seven Truths to Pave the Way to Success

Every now and then you have the opportunity to hear some really good thinking from somebody who knows what they are talking about and are willing to share. These notes come from an hour of listening to Gary Keller at the Keller Williams Family Reunion in Florida - February 25, 2009. His topic was being smart about money - but these truths go deeper than the pocketbook. Enjoy.

1. I am my own advocate. I am not entitled to have somebody take care of me, and I cannot depend on somebody to take care of me. It is my job to do whatever it is that needs doing to bring about a good result.

2. I do NOT need to understand everything. It is okay that I am not a genius. If I find a model that works, I don't need to analyze it, and I don't need to like it, but I DO need to follow it! Suspend your need to understand. Sometimes we are better off not thinking - okay, at least we're better off not thinking too much. Find someone who has what you want and follow what they do.

3. There is nothing virtuous about putting in long hours. Intensity is of more value than the amount of time you bring to the task. Bring the heat!

4. Multi-tasking does NOT work for humans. People are not computers. It is impossible for people to do two important things at once. And it is just plain smart to do one thing at a time and do it well.

5. I am not self-made. Nobody succeeds alone. It takes a team to make me better than I am. Listen. Learn. Be better. You only need to control the relationships that are three feet around you.

6. Not everything matters equally. Prioritize. You will never get everything done. So get the RIGHT THING done.

7. You can fail your way to success. Plans need to be corrected. It takes only a little energy to solve a little problem. Solving big problems creates BIG energy that propels you forward. Never give up. It would be a shame to quit on the brink of success.

1 comment:

theneon said...

WOWee -- this reunion has provided you with a lot of good material and you've done a great job of retaining and recording it. So glad I could share time with you during this event. Do we get to go to New Orleans? Love, Martha