Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tip from the Plumber

What do you do when your kitchen sinks runs slowly - and there is back-up when you run the garbage disposal?

My never-fail solution is CALL THE PLUMBER.

My plumber (the world's finest) is Don Williams, and after he unclogged the sink today using mysterious plumber tools, he gave me this tip:

Fill your garbage disposal with ice cubes - maybe enough to fill a couple of tall glasses - and run it til all the ice is crushed up and washed away (okay - turn the water on too). It cleans out the disposal, eliminates any built-up odors, and will make the disposal last longer.

You heard it here: for good garbage disposal health, run your disposal with ice cubes once a month. If you need to CALL THE PLUMBER, you will get terrific service, quality work, great attitude and fair price with Don Williams - 623.806.0593.

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