Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Shoes

We've been rehearsing like crazy for three December performances of "The Christmas Shoes." All cast and choir are church members, and we're being whipped into shape gently but effectively by Louise Jennings and Kathleen Kunkler. They have a job on their hands ....

It's a sweet story - a young family with a dying mom, an established family with lousy priorities and how both families are changed at Christmas.

The talented boy (who wants to buy his mom shoes (red - very Keller Williams) so she'll smile and look beautiful if she meets Jesus) is Jacob Herrera - and he'll run away with the show. He has his lines down pat.

The grinch guy is Ray Runkle - and he'll be flawless. He can't help it - he's an engineer.

The musical will be in the sanctuary - which is tricky because it's small and the cast and choir are all over the place. But it'll be okay.

Three performances: Saturday, December 11th at 7:00 pm, Friday, December 17th at 7:00 pm and again Sunday, December 19th at 10:30 am (or maybe it's 10:00 am - might want to be early anyway to get a seat). Glendale Christian Church, 59th Av and Mountain View (south of Peoria and north of Olive). It'll be fun. Very Christmas-y.

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