Monday, October 21, 2013

Sun City Arizona, Your Home Away From Winter!

Sun City is located in the Valley of the Sun, just 17 miles northwest of Phoenix, Arizona. It is a master-planned community developed by Del Webb designed for active adults. 
 The climate in the valley of the sun has approximately 312 clear, sunny days each year. It only rains about 7 ½ inches per year. It does get warm in the summer, but with low humidity it´s tolerable. Besides everything is air Besides everything is air Besides everything is air

conditioned!  Senior Couple Gardening
You can enjoy bowling, billiards, tennis, handball, racquetball, shuffleboard, bocce ball, miniature golf, fitness gyms, swimming, slow pitch softball and horseshoes, just to name a few. There are arts & crafts rooms for every hobby imaginable. The residents can use all of the above facilities for a nominal annual recreation fee. 
The lifestyle here is casual, southwestern and relaxed. Nowhere else does the "ENJOY LIFE" attitude flourish as it does here. Everyone living in the Sun Cities has moved here from somewhere else. They have come from every state in the union and some foreign countries, as well. You owe it to yourself to come to Arizona, look us over, and visit the Northwest Valley of the Sun. You may even want to move here, I did!

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