Friday, October 15, 2010

Sarah's Short Sale Shop Talk

I'm making myself available to answer questions about foreclosure avoidance options on Monday, October 18 and again on Monday, October 25 - 6:30 p.m. at Room D-101 at Glendale Christian Church. It's on the southeast corner of 59th Avenue and Mountain View in Glendale - and the "D" building is on the north parking lot side.

We read in the newspaper and hear on the radio that we're coming out of the recession and that the economy is on the upswing. Great news. For some, it doesn't sound real. Lots of people still struggle with getting the bills paid at all, much less on time. Some have been successful with loan modifications that reduce their mortgage payments so they can keep their houses - I just got a call from someone a few minutes ago whose loan mod came through.

Others have found either that the loan modification was denied or that their payment is still too high. Those who decide that keeping their home just isn't going to work have some choices to make.

I know the local real estate market. It's my goal to help as many people avoid foreclosure as possible. If I can help anyone make a good decision that will protect their credit and their long-term financial future, I will be my pleasure. Monday, October 18 and 25, 6:30 p.m.

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