Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Windows - Can't Live Without 'Em

Okay - you probably CAN live without windows. Being without five of them for about ten days helps you appreciate them - especially dual pane. It is surprising how much QUIETER it is when you replace heavy-duty plastic with dual pane windows. Our neighborhood is great for us - close to our church and to GCC - and I'd say our neighbors are as good as we could ask for - but all the same, it is nice NOT TO HEAR THEM!

Our screens on the east and the south have been replaced too - with a good quality sun screen. It's a little dark inside - not as dark as a bat cave maybe, but sun screens DO block the sun, on purpose, so it may take a little getting used to having less natural light.

Our windows were replaced by Howard of Taylormade Glass. Howard's phone is 623.203.2516. He takes pride in his work, and you can tell. (He even worked on his birthday! - How is THAT for dedication?) I'm happy to recommend him.

And our screens were replaced by John of Sonoran Sunscreen. John's phone is 623.810.2028. John also takes pride in his work - AND he likes our dog! Quality work and a quality person. I'm happy to recommend him as well.

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