Friday, November 12, 2010


I worked the November 2nd election - and it was a good experience.

The Elections Department in Maricopa County hires about 7800 poll workers, and of that number, there are over 500 "trouble shooters." I was a trouble shooter again this election.

A trouble shooter's job is to be a resource to a small selection of precincts - I had seven assigned to me, but in only four polling places. The BIG job is done by the inspector of each precinct - but a trouble shooter answers questions for the inspectors, repairs machines, refills supplies and generally fills in where needed. The polling places assigned to me where pretty close together - and I drove from one to the other to the other to the other - and back - continuously. Looking for trouble - not finding much. That's a good thing.

Although the polls are open from 6am to 7pm on Tuesday, trouble shooting begins the Saturday before, continues as the polls are set up on Monday, and then clock begins ticking at 5am Tuesday and keeps on going until polls are closed and votes are delivered to drop sites. I was home by about 9pm Tuesday - and believe it or not, could still see to drive.

All seven of the inspectors I worked with were terrific. They were capable, prepared, experienced (most of them) and had great can-do attitudes. They worked well with their Boards, and I don't think among them there was any unpleasantness the entire day. It's simply amazing how much work it takes to make an election happen - and what happens at the polls doesn't begin to address the hard work the Elections Department goes through before and after.

We are so blessed to be in America ....

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