Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If You Can't Sell It, Lease It

I have a friend who has lived in Glendale for years - she and her husband raised their two now-grown children in their home. Plus assorted cats and turtles etc. It's a lovely home - and I mean home as compared to house. Clean. Freshly painted. In excellent repair. Beautifully manicured yard. Nice neighborhood. And, like many of us, even though they've lived there for a long, long time, there is a mortgage. And - the mortgage is greater than the market says the house is worth.

The time came for my friend to move - her husband had a great job opportunity in another AZ city. They tried to sell - pricing it where they'd not have to write a check to their lender. After awhile they understood that their price was unrealistic, that even if they found a buyer who loved it, it couldn't appraise high enough for the buyer to borrow what he needed to borrow to obtain financing.

So - I found them a tenant. Great tenant - but hard to place because she's a cat-lover. Where she goes, so do her cats. And while cats and landlords often are not a good mix, in this instance the cats (and their person) were most welcome.

Good solution for both parties (and the cats).

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