Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Waiting for a Date

Good stuff and frustrating stuff.  Listed a great house in Glendale this afternoon - took some decent photos only to have my camera quit before quite finished.  Thought I can retrieve what I took - but not so much.  So I went back - still light outside and the house is not far away - and, wouldn't you know it, the back-up camera's battery died.  It lived long enough to get a couple of snaps - so it too is on the charger.  It may be that there is a new camera in my future.  At any rate, will take more photos tomorrow.  It'll probably take less time to get an offer than it is taking to get the photos ready to upload!

I have a listing appointment on February 9th in Westbrook Village - I love listings.  And I love Westbrook Village.

More good stuff - I'll have a good listing by the end of February.  Just waiting for tenant to find another place to live.  This is a Sun City property in what I believe is a high demand area - not many of this type property (patio home) - looks like a detached duplex - not that there is such a thing - and no condo ass'n fee.  If it is in as good a condition as I've been led to believe, it'll sell quickly.  And thankfully, the tenant's lease is just now up so we won't have to wait for months to look for a buyer - which is a very good thing since there are winter visitors this time of year that we won't have months from now.

I should have another Sun City listing coming up - seller is not sure when her tenant's lease is up but hopefully soon.  She's thinking May - and that's not a bad time to put a house on the market, just not the same amount of winter visitor traffic.

Am waiting for the two surgeons to coordinate their calendars with operating room availability.  I'd hoped that the surgery date would be within a couple of weeks.  The best the general surgeon could do is February 6, but the plastic surgeon is not available til February 18.  I've given up on KW Family Reunion - which starts February 16 - and right now would be grateful for the earliest surgery date possible.

The other minor frustration:  my e-mail stationery with the live link to my blog as disappeared again.  That happens every few weeks.  It always reappears - but at the moment, it's not very useful. 

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